Image Format Comparison

Upload your image and compare the size and quality with other image formats

How To Use The Converter:

  1. Upload your image file, typical formats are accepted: e.g. .jpg and .png (size limit is: 15MB).
  2. Have a little patience while we convert the image to the different formats. Then you can compare both the size and the image quality of your image in the different file formats. We also provide you with a .zip file containing all your images so that you can compare them locally on your computer.

Drag & Drop or click to upload

{{props.row.hsize}} {{ props.row.rel_size }}%

Image Formats and Sizes Overview:

The file size may increase as some image formats are more suitable than others for certain images. They may also be all smaller than your original image.

It should be noted that beside the PNG and JPG Format only WEBP and AVIF are relevant for web use. WEBP can be interpreted by 89.13%¹, AVIF by only 24.88%¹ and HEIC is not supported at the moment, .

Quality Levels:

Besides the different formats, each format supports several quality settings. For lossless compression of the PNG format, the quality level determines the computational effort required to reduce the file size. For the lossy compression of the other formats, the quality level determines the actual quality of the image. For many application scenarios, e.g. for a website, the combination of an efficient image format with a reduced quality level can provide large file size savings with negligible impact on visual perception. You can run the converter either with multiple quality settings for each format or with a selected subset of formats.

Multiple quality levels

For all image formats

For specific formats


Rerun the Converter

Using AVIF and WEBP on the Web

If you want to use modern image formats to speed up your website, you will need to make provision for older file formats for browsers that are not yet compatible with the new file formats. This way you can achieve the speed improvement of the reduced image size and still provide an error-free experience for users with older browsers. By using a picture tag, we can provide multiple picture formats, and the client browser selects the file it can use. Most browsers (95.65%) accept the picture tag, but for the few that don't, inserting an img tag offers a fallback option.


Compare Images:

Image Format: {{}}

  • Size: {{element.hsize}}
  • Lossy compression:


Image Format: {{rawData[element.index].multiples[index].name}}

  • Size: {{rawData[element.index].multiples[index].hsize}}
  • Lossy compression: {{rawData[element.index].multiples[index].lossy}}


Download all images

Here you can download a zip file with all images that have been converted.


Image Formats & Image Size Parameters

The image formats are constantly being improved and new formats are being developed. The main goal of these efforts is to reduce file size while maintaining high image quality. The choice of the right format always depends on the application and is the subject of many articles and instructions. This image format comparator will therefore focus on image formats used on the web.

Supported Formats on the Web

An important metric in web development is the loading time of web pages. Since websites often use a lot of images, the image size can be crucial here. With modern formats like WEBP, AVIF and HEIC there are several formats available that promise those size savings. When using images on the web however browser support is required. WEBP (89.13%¹) is most common followed by AVIF (24.88%¹). HEIC is not supported at the moment, but it can be assumed that this will change soon. After all, the format is used on all Apple devices to store camera images. In order to use the new formats, a solution that supports fallbacks to PNG or JPG is required to ensure that no users are excluded. The picture tag enables these fallbacks, so for most users the memory efficient new formats can be used. Only as an operator more storage space is needed, because in addition to the new formats, the images must always be kept in an old format.

File size parameters

Besides the formats, you can also experiment with other parameters: Quality level and resolution. The quality level is a different metric defined for each format and is an important parameter that often offers great potential, especially for websites where it is often not a detailed analysis of an image. Since the effect of the quality level is not so easy to understand, this image format converter offers an option to export the image in different quality levels. The choice of the correct resolution is influenced by the display devices as well as by a minimum resolution which guarantees the recognizability. The choice of the right resolution is a relatively much-noticed set screw and for this reason it will not be discussed here.

Testing the Potential of New Image Formats Yourself

The potential of the new formats is considerable, for example, size reductions of 50% from JPG to WEBP are often possible with the same quality. From WEBP to AVIF, a further 50% reduction in file size can usually be achieved. This means that a JPG image can be replaced with an AVIF image that takes up only 1/4 of the space and thus reduces the necessary loading time to the same extent. These values are precalculated at different places on the net and are only estimates, because the actual size reduction depends on the image. To get these values for your own image this page was created, so you can test the size reduction with your own images.

Questions and or suggestions are welcome at Have fun comparing formats.

¹ All compatibility data from